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Our beliefs

CategoryCompany News

The Career Innovation Company’s core beliefs guide all the work we do to support the development of career skills at scale, career strategies and cultures. Here’s what we believe:

1. Careers build connection, belonging and productivity. Distributed and hybrid working make it harder for individuals to feel connected, learn from others and see their role in an organisation’s future. Career support reinforces a vital sense of belonging, so both they and their organisations can grow and contribute more together.

2. Careers underpin organisational and individual agility. In a disruptive landscape, career skills enable individuals to build their confidence, an agile mindset and proactive approach to learning and re-skilling.

3. Investing in careers builds prosperity for all. Employers have a key role in equipping all employees to grow. And their skills, potential and motivation bring economic and social value to the wider community.

4. Career potential is for everybody, everywhere. In many organisations, too much talent remains underdeveloped and unrecognised. Only an intentional, joined-up approach to careers can positively impact culture and open opportunities for everyone, in every part of the organisation.

5. Careers and wellbeing are intrinsically linked. Career uncertainty, unsatisfactory work and a lack of psychological safety can only harm wellbeing. Fostering a culture of open career communication empowers individuals to share challenges, seek support and reduce burnout risk.

6. Careers are more than skills. Skills grow through exposure to learning and experiences, but do not define success. Employees’ ability to thrive and perform is also based on personality, values, motivations, and a sense of meaning.

7. Technology is transforming career pathways. The rapidly evolving workplace has made some – but not all – traditional career pathways obsolete. Technology is creating new pathways and enabling a more individualised sense of career.

To explore these beliefs and the changes we can support in your organisation, get in touch.

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